Sunday, November 20, 2016

Augusta Kohrs

Augusta Kohrs

Augusta Kohrs was not the typical pioneer. After a quick courtship, Augusta married Conrad Kohrs at the age 19. Augusta left a comfortable life in Iowa to create a new home in Montana. The trip to Deer Lodge must have been daunting for the new bride and encompassed a six-week trip floating up the Missouri River on a steamboat.  The river trip was followed by an overland excursion in a horse-drawn wagon that lasted five days.  Augusta had to have been glad to reach her new home in spite of the rough condition of the headquarters.
Augusta was accustomed to the finer things in life and quickly took on the task of turning the ranch house into a home.  She was well versed in Victorian style and was able to apply that style to her home in Deer Lodge.  Her 1800s sensibilities were also reflected in her culinary pursuits as is evident in her collection of recipes.  Those recipes, so carefully handwritten into her cookbook, are now my journey.  You are welcome to ride along.

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